Tuition Information

Invest in a Christ-Centered Education

Tuition Rates Overview

Standard tuition rates apply to all families attending the school.  Tuition rates are reviewed each year and determined by the Elora Road Christian Fellowship Board of Directors.  Initial payments must be received in order for children to be admitted to class in September.

There are 2 payment options:

  • Option 1: The entire annual fee can be paid on July 1 

  • Option 2: Payments can be made by automatic withdrawal (EFT) in 12 equal installments, on the first of each month.  The payment plan begins July 1.  (Payments for registrations after July 1st will be divided equally across the remaining months in the school year.)

Our Tuition Rates

1 child part-time JK/SK (3 days/week) – $5,550
1 child full-time JK to grade 8 – $9,200
2 children part-time JK/SK – $11,100
2 children full-time or 1 full-time & 1 part-time JK/SK – $13,500
3+ children full-time or part-time grades JK to 8 – $16,550

Details for Families Needing Financial Assistance

Elora Road Christian School offers tuition assistance to families who wish to send their children to the school but cannot afford full tuition payments. ERCS uses FAST (Financial Aid for School Tuition) for the analysis of tuition assistance applications. As most of the tuition assistance money comes from Elora Road Christian Fellowship, we ask that all other funding possibilities be explored before applying to this program.

The online application opens on March 1st and the submission deadline is May 1st. After submission and verification by FAST, qualifying families will be considered for Christian School Foundation Bursaries and the ERCS Impact Bursary. ERCS will apply to these bursaries on behalf of eligible applicants. To be considered for these bursary programs all supporting documents (including T1 tax forms and T4s) MUST be submitted on time. The deadline for Notice of Assessment submission is May 15th.

If you intend to apply for tuition assistance we recommend that you plan ahead and complete your taxes early

Impact Bursary Program

Single-parent families may also be eligible for financial assistance through our Impact Bursary Program.  

Tuition Assistance Guidelines

  1. Any family registered at ERCS may apply for tuition assistance.

  2. Families need to re-apply for tuition assistance each year.

  3. All tuition assistance applications are due by May 1st.

  4. Tuition assistance will be granted based on need. Completing an application does not guarantee that tuition assistance will be received.

  5. Bus fees are NOT eligible for tuition assistance.

  6. The charge for the FAST application is $60 USD and is to be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) after all sections have been completed. This fee is non-refundable. If you do not have a credit card, please call Elora Road Christian School for assistance.

  7. Single-parent families may be eligible for tuition assistance through our Impact Bursary Program. Low-income families may be eligible for tuition assistance through the Christian School Foundation (CSF). An online FAST application must be completed before a family will be considered for either of these programs. ERCS will apply for bursaries from the CSF on behalf of qualifying families.

  8. To apply, click on the FAST icon. Choose ‘Start Application’ to begin. The application process is self-guided and allows for navigation in and out of the program so that applications DO NOT need to be completed all at one time. If you have any questions, you can watch the Guide to Completing the FAST Family Application or email for assistance.

  9. After completing the online application all required tax documents and other requested documents MUST be uploaded into FAST for verification purposes. Alternatively, copies of documents can be mailed to the following address:


Independent School Management
Attn: FAST Processing Center
1316 N. Union Street
Wilmington, DE 19806

Application results will be communicated to families before the last day of the current school year.

Apply Today!