School Life

Cultivating Academic and Social-Emotional Growth

Life at Elora Road Christian School is built on faith, learning, and community, where students grow academically, spiritually, and socially in a supportive and engaging environment.

Our Responsive Classroom Approach

Elora Road Christian School follows the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching, focusing not only on academic progress but also on the development of social-emotional competencies.

  • ERCS incorporates Responsive Classroom practices and strategies into our classrooms including:

    • Daily Morning Meeting, Quiet, and Closing Circle times to allow students to connect with each other and their teacher

    • Interactive Modelling to teach new skills

    • Teacher language that helps to engage students in their learning

    • Logical Consequences as a non-punitive response to misbehaviour that allows students to fix and learn from their mistakes

    More About Responsive Classrooms
  • The four Responsive Classroom domains are:

  • Engaging Academics

    Lessons are challenging and promote wonder and curiosity


  • Positive Community

    Building a classroom and school community where students feel they belong and are significant

  • Effective Management

    A calm learning environment that encourages autonomy and personal responsibility

  • Developmentally Responsive Teaching

    Teaching and discipline is based on knowledge of student’s emotional and physical development

  • School Activities

    What else is going on at ERCS?

  • School Activities

    What else is going on at ERCS?

  • Friday Assemblies

    Every Friday the whole school meets together for a time of worship, prayer, and teaching. Parents and families are welcome to join us. 


    Once a week students have the opportunity to sign out books from our school library.

    Thanksgiving Lunch

    The entire school dresses up as pioneers and farmers and enjoys a thanksgiving lunch together.

    Hot Dog/Pizza Days

    2 times a month our students are served pre-ordered hot lunches.

    Poetry & Speech Presentations

    Students in grades JK-4 recite a poem and grade 5-8 students prepare and recite speeches to their classes.

    Back to School Event

    This event is a chance for parents to connect with teachers, see their children’s classrooms and meet other ERCS families.

    Winter & Spring Community Events

    ERCS Parent Council hosts various events that give parents a chance to connect with other ERCS families.

    Field Trips

    Students in all grades participate in various field trips to enhance their educational experience.

    Grad Trip to Quebec City

    Each spring the Grade 8 graduates spend 5 days on a grad trip.

    Graduation Banquet

    Our Grade 7 class, with help from their parents, hosts a sit-down meal and graduation ceremony for our graduating class.

    Our Commitment to Community Involvement

    At Elora Road Christian School, we are dedicated to empowering our students to make a positive impact on the world around them. Each year, our students participate in meaningful social projects that benefit both local and global communities. Through these projects, our students learn the value of compassion, service, and making a difference.

    Some examples of previous community projects include:

    • The Marden Marathon in support of Groves Memorial Hospital in Fergus

    • A Well Walk to raise money for wells at schools in Zambia

    • FAST 55: Students fasted from screens for 55 hours to raise money to purchase computers for Dominican Republic schools

    • The collection of 2 large suitcases of school supplies and stuffed animals that were sent with a mission team to schools in Peru

    • Participation in the Green Legacy Programme – a local initiative to improve the environment by encouraging tree planting

    • Food drives for the Salvation Army and the Centre Wellington Foodbank

    To learn more, contact us for a meeting or a school tour

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