Partnering with Parents

Welcome to the ERCS information hub for current families! We have organized key details to help you navigate the school year smoothly. Below, you'll find essential information categorized for your convenience, ensuring you can easily access what you need.

Administrative and Contact Information

Important school information regarding how to contact us or report absent days.

  • School Communication

    For who to contact in different situations, and how, check out the ERCS School Contact Info.

  • Attendance

    If your child is going to be absent or late, please phone the school office at 519-824-1890 or email by 9:00 am.

  • Tuition Assistance

    The deadline to apply for tuition assistance through FAST is May 1st. Application instructions can be found here.

Events and Community Involvement

Our parent council and school calendar information. Consider volunteering in our school.

  • Parent Council

    Parent Council meets during the school day, usually on the first Wednesday of each month. Our three areas of focus are fundraising, developing school community and student outreach events. The Parent Council may also be asked to give input into other school-related initiatives and events. All parents are welcome to join.

  • School Calendar

    School calendar: Dates and events for the 2024/25 school year

  • Volunteering

    Volunteers are a valuable part of our school. There are lots of opportunities to get involved. To keep our students and volunteers safe, all volunteers must complete SOS (Safeguard Operating Standard) training and submit a VSC police check. SOS renewal happens each year in the Fall.

    Volunteer Application & Renewals

Parent Information

  • School Uniforms

    Uniforms* can be purchased through VTR in Guelph. Also check out Children’s Place and Old Navy

    *Uniform Requirements

  • Community Resources

    Here is a list of community resources that may be helpful, including information about learning disabilities, mental health, and secondary school options.

  • 2024/25 School Supply List

    Download the school supply list here.

  • Hot Lunches

    Typically we have two hot lunch days a month, a Hot Dog Day and a Pizza Day. All hot lunches are pre-ordered for the term in September and February. Order forms will be sent home with students.

    Thursday Hot Dog Days: Feb. 7, Mar. 7, Apr. 11, May 9, June 13
    Friday Pizza Days: Feb. 27, Mar. 27, Apr. 24, May 22, Friday June 20

After School Care

Before school care is available free of charge beginning at 8:30 am. Students can enter their classrooms by 8:45 am each day.

Care will be available until 5:00pm after school. To register for the after school program, please email


Care will be available daily from 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm. Please call or email the school office anytime to let us know if you need care. Any student who has not been picked up by 3:45 pm will automatically be sent into the program unless other arrangements have been made.


A flat fee of $5 per student per day.
Late charges: $5 per 5 minutes of late pick-up (after 5:00 pm) per family
Childcare receipts are available.

Invoices will be sent home monthly. Payment will be due within one week of the invoice date. Payments can be e-transferred to

What to Expect

There will be no formal programming. Students will be supervised by a staff member either in the family room, gym or outside for free play. There may also be a quiet area for independent work. No snacks will be provided, but parents are welcome to send after-school snacks in their lunch.

Before-school care is available free of charge beginning at 8:30 am. Students can enter their classrooms by 8:45 am each day.

Please note: changes to this policy can be made by the school at any time if necessary. Parents will be given as much notice as possible of upcoming changes.

Current as of September 9, 2024

Inclement Weather Policy

On snow days when the school is open, ERCS will have an alternative learning program for students who come to school. Classes may be combined. Students who are absent will not be responsible for work that is missed on these days. Please note that remote learning will not be available, and work will not be posted online on these days. However, students always have access to Google Classroom and are welcome to work on any outstanding assignments. Please call or email the school to let us know your student will be absent.

  • If buses are running in Guelph, ERCS will be open to all students who can safely travel to and from school.
  • If buses are cancelled in both Centre Wellington and Guelph, ERCS will be closed.
Inclement Weather

Click here for weather-related bus cancellations. Our school is in Division 2 – Blue